HIPAA Awareness Training

HIPAA Awareness Training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law introduced in 1996 to simplify administrative processes surrounding healthcare and insurance and safeguard an individual’s Protected Health Information (PHI). Throughout this course, we detail the rules, regulations, and patient rights set forth by HIPAA, define which entities and individuals are subject to HIPAA regulations, discuss acceptable uses and disclosures of PHI, review HIPAA interactions with state laws, and provide an overview of the actions your organization can take to become HIPAA compliant.

This training course is intended to provide an overview of HIPAA rules and regulations to fulfill the general HIPAA training requirements for all workforce members of covered entities, including healthcare providers, health plans or medical insurance providers, and healthcare clearing houses. This course is just one step towards organizational compliance with HIPAA law and is not intended to provide the in-depth training required for HIPAA Privacy or HIPAA Security Officers within the organization.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are an important part of business success. Studies have repeatedly found that more diverse, inclusive workplaces perform better, improve morale, and make better decisions. In this course, we’ll look at what these concepts mean, and how to value them in your workplace. We’ll also discuss different forms of bias, and practical steps you can take to overcome implicit bias.

Español – Diversity and Inclusion

Español – Diversity and Inclusion

Las iniciativas de diversidad e inclusión son una parte importante del éxito empresarial. Los estudios han encontrado repetidamente que los lugares de trabajo más diversos e inclusivos funcionan mejor, mejoran la moral y toman mejores decisiones. En este curso, veremos qué significan estos conceptos y cómo valorarlos en su lugar de trabajo. También discutiremos diferentes formas de sesgo y los pasos prácticos que puede tomar para superar el sesgo implícito.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency Preparedness and Response

What should you do to prepare for a disaster or emergency that could dramatically impact your business? And what should you do to respond when an incident occurs? In this course, we’ll discuss how to prepare your business for potential hazards, how to train your employees, and what actions to take to mitigate the damage from a disaster and keep your business running with minimal disruption.