HIPAA Awareness Training

HIPAA Awareness Training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law introduced in 1996 to simplify administrative processes surrounding healthcare and insurance and safeguard an individual’s Protected Health Information (PHI). Throughout this course, we detail the rules, regulations, and patient rights set forth by HIPAA, define which entities and individuals are subject to HIPAA regulations, discuss acceptable uses and disclosures of PHI, review HIPAA interactions with state laws, and provide an overview of the actions your organization can take to become HIPAA compliant.

This training course is intended to provide an overview of HIPAA rules and regulations to fulfill the general HIPAA training requirements for all workforce members of covered entities, including healthcare providers, health plans or medical insurance providers, and healthcare clearing houses. This course is just one step towards organizational compliance with HIPAA law and is not intended to provide the in-depth training required for HIPAA Privacy or HIPAA Security Officers within the organization.

Remote Work

Remote Work

Working from home is not new, but it has been rapidly growing in popularity in recent years. In this course, we’ll help employers and managers understand both the benefits and challenges of offering remote work options to employees, discuss what resources your remote workforce will need to succeed, walk through the essential elements of a remote work policy, and talk about how to properly manage a remote workforce.

Covid-19 Safety in the Workplace

Covid-19 Safety in the Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we live and work. What can employers do to minimize the risk of a potential COVID-19 breakout in the workplace? And how should you respond if an employee tests positive? In this course, we’ll discuss the employer’s obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace, best practices for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 at work, and the key components of a COVID-19 infectious disease response plan. We aim to help you mitigate risks, prepare for potential outbreaks, and keep your business running with minimal disruption.

Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Is a small business really at risk of being a victim of cybercrime? The danger for small businesses is not only real, it is significant. Learn about some of the most common threats you face, as well as best practices that will help you keep your data, systems, and company safe. We’ll talk about both digital and physical threats, and provide guidance to be a more aware citizen in our digital world.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are an important part of business success. Studies have repeatedly found that more diverse, inclusive workplaces perform better, improve morale, and make better decisions. In this course, we’ll look at what these concepts mean, and how to value them in your workplace. We’ll also discuss different forms of bias, and practical steps you can take to overcome implicit bias.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency Preparedness and Response

What should you do to prepare for a disaster or emergency that could dramatically impact your business? And what should you do to respond when an incident occurs? In this course, we’ll discuss how to prepare your business for potential hazards, how to train your employees, and what actions to take to mitigate the damage from a disaster and keep your business running with minimal disruption.

Illinois Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Illinois Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Learn about the broad scope of actions that could be considered sexual harassment, so that you never engage in any behavior that puts you or your company in jeopardy. This course includes a series of case studies that allow you to apply the lessons to real-life situations. Completion of this training course will also meet the State of Illinois’s requirements for sexual harassment prevention training.

Workplace Harassment Prevention

Workplace Harassment Prevention

What is workplace harassment, and how can you recognize behaviors that could be considered harassment? In this course, you’ll learn about the standards for behaviors that rise to the level of harassment, how to build a company culture where harassment is not tolerated, and the procedures you should follow for reporting improper behavior. Also, learn the difference between workplace bullying and harassment.

Business Maxims

Business Maxims

NFL Hall of Famer, veteran entrepreneur, and Founder of Upnetic.com Fran Tarkenton presents 7 Business Maxims that have been fundamental to his success over 50 years starting, running, and growing businesses. Apply these 7 principles to any business to give yourself the best chance of success in a fast-changing modern market.

Connecticut Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Connecticut Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Learn about the broad scope of actions that could be considered sexual harassment, so that you never engage in any behavior that puts you or your company in jeopardy. This course includes a series of case studies that allow you to apply the lessons to real-life situations. Completion of this training course will also meet the State of Connecticut requirements for sexual harassment prevention training.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – California (Supervisors)

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – California (Supervisors)

Learn about the broad scope of actions that could be considered sexual harassment, so that you never engage in any behavior that puts you or your company in jeopardy. This course includes a series of case studies that allow you to apply the lessons to real-life situations. This course also meets the State of California requirements for sexual harassment prevention training for supervisory employees.

OSHA for Employers

OSHA for Employers

Maintaining a safe workplace is an absolute must, and if you’re thinking about workplace safety then you’re eventually going to turn your attention to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Learn the basics of what you need to know about OSHA, safety standards, protection for employees, recordkeeping requirements, inspections and penalties, and more.

*Course does not qualify as an OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 certified training.

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Learn about the broad scope of actions that could be considered sexual harassment, so that you never engage in any behavior that puts you or your company in jeopardy. After completing the course, you’ll be able to define what qualifies a behavior as sexual harassment, recognize behaviors that cross the line, understand the two categories of sexual harassment, and know the general procedure for reporting claims of improper behavior.

Sales Channels

Sales Channels

Learn how to identify and evaluate the best sales channels to get your product or service to your customers. This course covers the most important factors to consider when comparing sales channels, including economics, positioning, and expertise. Also, we’ll look at how you can challenge the obvious and find unique sales channels that will help you stand out from your competitors.